The file GPMVB2.ZIP contains files for a Visual Basic program that uses DDE to manipulate/get data from Microsoft Word for Windows (Winword). The particular items in this program are not of much use, but they illustrate some of what I have discovered about using DDE to control Winword and can be adapted to perform more useful functions. You might also want to look at the sample I am posting as GPMVB1.ZIP, which illustrates the use of VB to create/edit a form-based Winword document. The VB program is WORDDEMO.MAK, a VB project with five related files: DDEFORM.FRM WORDDEMO.BAS WORDDEMO.FRM WORDDEMO.GBL FORM2.FRM Start up Winword and open some documents before running the VB program. Running the VB program will call up a form that should be largely self- explanatory. As in the case of GPMVB1.ZIP, there are some undoubtedly cryptic comments sprinkled through the 0code; the rest you'll have to figure out yourself. Yes, indeed, it's another DDE adventure game! g.p.m. CIS No. 72040,110 1/5/92